The Tools of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 The manufacturing industry is being hit with a massive labor shortage. As new demand surges for skilled labor, the technology of manufacturing in most areas have been lacking. For this reason, Mitsubishi released their all-new GX-F Advanced fiber laser, with AI capabilities to allow for non-stop processing.

Artificial Intelligence is the future of manufacturing.

Artificial Intelligence is the future of manufacturing.


How does AI work in manufacturing?

Depending on the tasks desired to complete using the technology, AI is used to teach and then test the machines to learn optimization patterns. In the case of Mitsubishi’s GX-F Advanced fiber laser system, artificial intelligence is used to optimize gas usage. As AI implies, the program is intelligently programmed to teach and deploy the best strategy to cutting metal. The result – a machine that constantly cuts better and better. It is as if a production operator never stopped learning while on the job – and how often does this happen?


Your company’s next best employee will be automated. AI is used to optimize machines on its cutting accuracy and effectiveness while minimizing the resources used and problems that may occur. In other words, it is everything that a typical operator may continue to do while on the job – but without the operator. This saves costs and the risks associated with traditional low-skilled production operators in a manufacturing facility.

AI can be used in a variety of ways for cost savings. Anywhere there is a metric to optimize for, AI can be put to use. For example, if you need to maximize power consumption, machines can take consistent readings and figure out what processes drain the most amount of energy, and then shift processes to minimize its usage. Similarly, when the machine knows what the costs are associated with using certain resources and the like, then AI can figure out the best ways to save costs and alter how much time is spent on certain processes to produce better results.


How does the GX-F Advanced fiber laser work with AI?

We won’t spend time talking about this machine’s specifics, but you can find them here. To use artificial intelligence, the general conditions in the machine are adjusted and corrected in real-time. What this means is that while the fiber laser machine runs and learns more, it will begin to optimize itself. Its cutting system is intelligent, meaning that it constantly adjusts to what is required for it. The GX-F advanced also provides online job scheduling and runtime estimates. With the operations being accessible remotely, the machine operators can set up jobs even when they’re not on the production floor.


The best part of these machines is the package that these lasers include. Not only do these machines produce high-quality results, but all service and support are done through Mitsubishi themselves. In other words: Everything is done through the manufacturer. That is, everything aside from the sale itself – which is why Carlson Fabrication Solutions can help you find and select the best fiber laser for your manufacturing business. We act as your consultants, and only want our customers to purchase what is truly best for their metal manufacturing business.

Do you have any questions about Mitsubishi lasers?
Contact us at or at (781) 937-9599

Press Brake Automation - Who Needs It?

There are many industries that have many different uses for press brakes. Bending sheet metal, for instance, is used in any industry that uses metal processing—for example, in aerospace, building the infrastructure and parts of a jet require many different types of metal to be bent in various ways. Even health tech needs metal bent for large medical devices. Home jobshops and people who build custom cars use press brakes (smaller ones, albeit) that can bend parts of their car frames and create custom pieces for their workpieces.

The automatic tool changing is the newest industry standard. Get efficient, or get behind.

The automatic tool changing is the newest industry standard. Get efficient, or get behind.

Let’s use press brake automation in aerospace, for example. Jet parts need to be highly customized, precise, and very efficient. Without human intervention and human error, both time and defect rates are spared tremendously by automating the tool changing process. With lower defect rates, the amount of excess material used goes down as well, as the machines make much less mistakes on average. Without the need to train employees as extensively (and provided that Mitsubishi provides it for free), the amount of fixed costs for operating go down substantially. With all the cost savings, it’s only a matter of time before the whole industry moves into this automation.

Regardless of the use of press brake, there are many options that are available on the market. However, when looking for something that will cover a large operation, there are tremendous cost efficiencies associated with automating the press braking process.


Automated Tool Changing (ATC)

When it comes to cost effectiveness, automatic tool changing can be highly beneficial. Not only does it cut out the manual process of switching over tooling between jobs, but will give real-time statistics and cloud-based machine insights. Not only can your business save much-needed capital on labor, but can keep uptime—for automation can run all day, every day.

Let’s break it down here:

If you have one operator on a press brake whose responsibility is to change the tooling on the machine, you can reasonably expect this person spend about 3 hours of their day on ~9 setups. Consult the below picture:


If you look at it this way, the 7 hours spent on setups would be 1 with the ATC. Not only the time, but the cost savings would be substantial – for there would not be a need of excess labor or employees. Not only does the ATC save time, but also labor, training and many various costs as well.

Along with optimizing workflow to save time, money, and human effort, your business can avoid and actively prevent costly downtime and product defects. Without human intervention, parts become standard and your business becomes (literally) a well-oiled machine. Mitsubishi ATC press braking provides unmatched programmability, functionality, and real-time, cloud-based machine insights. Whatever the challenge, there’s an automation solution that can help.

Mitsubishi is one of the best companies in the world for automation, and this product truly shows what they are capable of. Not only will their state-of-art robotics outmatch any competitor, but their attention to business needs and cost savings highlight how much value their automation can add to your business.

Learn more about Mitsubishi’s Automatic Tool Changing (ATC) —>

If you have any questions about automatic tool changing for press brakes, please contact us at Carlson Fabrication Solutions at or at (781) 937-9599.


Sheet Metal Punching

Punching is an important part of sheet metal fabrication. Typically used to make holes in the sheet metal for various fastening units such as nails and screws, punches can be used for many different reasons. Aside from the very simple circular hole, punches can actually make various shapes depending on what it is being used for.



Unlike a whole punch for paper, metal punching is a bit different. For one, the metal may be warped and distorted if the punching is not done correctly. Also, the costs of machinery and tools are much more technical due to it not being a “one-size-fits-all” approach to punching with metal.

Shapes of Punching

Punches can be used to create the following shapes:

Ø  Circles

Ø  Squares

Ø  Rectangles

Ø  Custom Shapes (requires a custom die)

Not every punch press is made the same, so check to see the requirements of the punch you’re interested in before purchasing. There have been many mistakes made in the past for wrong specs of a machine that have hurt manufacturing operations substantially.

CNC punching, like most machining, requires some training and skill to operate the machines.

CNC punching, like most machining, requires some training and skill to operate the machines.


To create these shapes, two things must happen:

Ø  The sheet or workpiece gets inserted between the punch and the die

Ø  The punch will move the die in, and form the desired shape while the rest of the metal is separated from the new pattern.

Manual Metal Punching

Using a lever and manpower to make the punch, these machines are great for smaller operations in metal fabrication.  With a spring lever, the unit takes advantage of the force gathering by the human pushing down on the lever to concentrate force into the die of the machine. It

Although we don’t sell punching machines, our partner company Direct Machines sells a variety of manual punching machines, including Baileigh and Jet tools. Click here to learn more à


Automatic Punching Machines

When the piece is inserted between the punch and die, the machine will push down without any other effort (unless a switch is required). With CNC punching, the whole process is automated and the machines move the workpiece more efficiently than with a manual effort done by a machinery operator.

Thick Metal

When working with sheets of metal that are as thick as ½ inch and greater, bigger machines are needed. This is where manufacturers such as Piranha and Boschert shine, their fabrication machinery is top notch (pun intended) and brings manufacturing processing up to a whole new level.


With branches all over the world, Boschert produces some of the best CNC punching presses in the industry. Not only do they sell punching and notching machinery, but they sell punch lasers, which are exactly what they sound like. They punch, cut, and make your operations more flawless. Their punching machines overall are well worth the money – and they cut with such speeds that your manufacturing plant won’t know what to do with all the spare time it enables. Check out Boschert punch presses here.


Specializing in Ironworking machines, Piranha also highlights their strengths in general sheet metal processing. With functions to enable punching, their flagship ironworkers are all equipped with hydraulic punch presses. They allow for sheet metal processing to be done in fractions of a second, and are the go-to machine of any job shop. Check Piranha punching machines here.

Have any specific technical questions? Contact us to speak to our technical representatives, and see for yourself how you can cut costs for your production facility!

How Does Abrasive Belt Sanding Work?

Abrasive belts help to remove burrs and even splatter caused by laser cutting.

Abrasive belts help to remove burrs and even splatter caused by laser cutting.

How do Abrasive Belts Work?


Abrasive belts are perfect for someone who is looking to remove burrs from a lot of metal in a timely manner. The machine is built to have unfinished parts inserted into the machine on one end, where it will come out the other side finished on the other. During the process, one or more heads with brushes and discs will rotate around the part, knocking all extra stray burrs off of the part. An abrasive belt will remove any burr coming off the surface of a part, which Timesavers calls the vertical burr. The problem with the abrasive belt is that as it removes the vertical burr, it simultaneously creates a horizontal burr or secondary burr. This instead does not appear like a burr but as a sharp edge. This makes us ask the question – if vertical deburring just creates horizontal ones, then how do we get rid of the sharp edge?


Deburring standards have changed

Increasingly, burrs and slags have become standard for removal in the metal manufacturing industry.

Increasingly, burrs and slags have become standard for removal in the metal manufacturing industry.

Over the last 10 or so years, metal has increased their standards, demanding for better products. Instead of removing sharp edges, finishing technology has increased its standard to being better suited to finer finishes, removing both burrs and giving edges a clean finish. For this reason, Timesavers has adapted machinery with multiple heads, utilizing an abrasive head with discs and/or brushes for secondary removal. This multiheaded technology has enabled parts to get better finishes through multiple finishing types, giving both primary and secondary burr removal. With a two head machine either head can be operated independently or in tandem, so operators can determine how best to fit their requirements.

How do Lasers Make Burrs? 

When lasers cut through metal, they can create sharp edges and can even splatter some of the metal. However, laser machinery manufacturers have also made lot of improvement in edge quality and spatter reduction over the last number of years. As a result, the standard for proper deburring has increased substantially. Burrs are generally smaller and not as firmly attached as they once were. Therefore, if requirements call for deburring without a grain finish, then in some applications just a disc or brushes can be used effectively. Spatter can be more challenging and often the only way to remove it is with an abrasive belt.

Timesavers machines like the 1200 Series allow for proper abrasive belt grinding while properly removing any splatter that a laser’s cut may add.

Timesavers machines like the 1200 Series allow for proper abrasive belt grinding while properly removing any splatter that a laser’s cut may add.

Rotary Discs

In particular, the rotary discs have been effective for small parts. Machines such as the 1200 series 9” dry sander with multiple heads can give a supreme shine to the part being deburred.  

Small parts that may be able to be run through a rotary disc and then fine-tuned manually with a Scotchbrite pad may still need more finishing to remove any grain finish. The difference is the you will have a grain finish but the swirl marks left by the disc will be slightly visible. If you’re curious about what we mean by this, we would be more than happy to send you samples parts before and after sanders. This will help you better gauge if the part can successfully work on our Timesavers machines. However, if you’re using a pad to deal with splatter, then the best method of attack may be with an abrasive belt. From what we’ve seen at Carlson Fabrication, there aren’t any unhappy customers when it comes to the quality of a Timesavers’ deburr.



If you have any questions if your part can be deburred using any Timesavers’ machines, please contact us at (781) 937-9599 or at